Automation system IMap TAXI is designed for complete automation of taxi service, suitable for combining several partner services for order exchanges between each other.

The system includes a vector map which allows to track the location of cars in real time, calculate the distance by mapping a route between car delivery points and destination, and determine preliminary cost of the trip with the possibility to combine several destinations with an individual fare in one order.

The location of cars is determined by geographic coordinates, transmitted from mobile devices and received via GPS or by the location of the parking lot, where the driver is registered in case of using mobile phones.

We use the client-server technology and the MySQL database server version 5.1 for work and information storage.

For communication between the modules of the system within the service or between the partner services, the TCP / IP protocol is used, which allows to use the existing network infrastructure for the work of the complex.

The system allows you to build complex schemes of customer and driver loyalty, and also to build a partner network.

Finance management in online or post-pay mode. The program considers the specifics of the taxi service, implementing the business logic of this type of activity. The opportunity to work with customers discount is put into operation. The user interface is designed for the quickest possible order entry within a few seconds.

In addition to general safety, which implies that only registered system users have access to enterprise assets, it makes it possible to restrict access to any data within the company. A flexible system of rights and powers allows you to clearly rank the service relationships between employees. Thus, when you connect the program, you will be able to:

Build and analyze reports on different types of data
Monitor the condition of drivers, orders and shifts, the calculation of drivers and their debts.

The system allows you to build a taxi work on the principle of Central Dispatch Room and data exchange between all taxi drivers.

Main functions:
  • Transfer and inform the taxi driver of the necessary order, its place,
  • Reflect this information on the on-board taxi device,
  • Pass necessary data about the passenger, his location, landing time;
  • Control the driver's work, his location, idle time, exact time of landing.

The taxi management system can be integrated with various video surveillance and security systems, various systems and sensors, tracking fuel consumption, as well as driver's location and speed, informing about it, transferring the data to dispatch room and to perform the following operations there: driver's work control , quality of passenger service, optimization and routing of taxi drivers, quality of client work.

Features and Benefits:
The system allows you to create a flexible technology for work with clients and at the same time functionally provide the drivers with remote work. The Central Dispatch Room can work for one taxi service as well as provide working functions for several types of taxis, such as a city or national taxi, and it can completely divide responsibilities among companies, also different taxi services can work through one control room.

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